Become Cerus Markets IB partner to earn up to 40% RevShare commission for every trade made by your clients.
Why become a Cerus Markets IB?

Dedicated account management
We offer premium dedicated account management. No chat bots or automated emails.

Advanced IB portal
Track your clients activity, detailed reports and analytics.

World class marketing toolkit
Gain access to a wide range of marketing tools to make your traffic monetization easy.

Timely and flexible payment options
Withdraw your commissions easily, in minutes. No payment restrictions.

Trusted and regulated broker
Reputation if everything. Refer clients to a regulated and globally trusted broker.
Trading advantages for the clients you refer to Cerus Marktets.
다양한 시장
암호화폐와 세계 최대 규모의 기업 및 원자재를 암호화폐와 페어링하여 거래할 수 있습니다.
거래 유연성
하드웨어 지갑 없이도 암호화폐를 안전하고 빠르게 사고 팔 수 있습니다.
이용료 및 수수료 제로
거래 수수료가 무료이며 입금 또는 출금 수수료도 없습니다. 지불하는 거래 비용은 스프레드뿐입니다.
신뢰 및 규제
말레이시아 라부안 금융서비스청(FSA)의 규제를 받습니다.
자금의 안전
지갑 없이 모든 자금은 세계 최대 은행의 분리된 계좌에 보관됩니다.

How to get started?

Sign up
Complete our form online for fast and easy onboarding and access your IB portal.
Refer clients
Share your referral link with your community & see your revenue grow.
Start earning
Earn commissions for every trade your referred clients execute with Cerus Markets.